在 Slave 初始化的最后,会进行 recovery :

void Slave::initialize()
  // Do recovery.
  async(&state::recover, metaDir, flags.strict)
    .then(defer(self(), &Slave::recover, lambda::_1))
    .then(defer(self(), &Slave::_recover))
    .onAny(defer(self(), &Slave::__recover, lambda::_1));

其中 async() 是 libprocess 提供的一种实现异步调用的方法。

调用 state::recover 从硬盘拿到 State

首先调用 state::recover 获得需要 recover 的信息,这些信息可能被 checkpointed 在硬盘上。 该方法定义和实现在 src/slave/state.hppsrc/slave/state.cpp 中。 大概做的事情就是从硬盘目录中读取 checkpoint 的内容,然后反序列化为一个 State 结构。

// This function performs recovery from the state stored at 'rootDir'.
// If the 'strict' flag is set, any errors encountered while
// recovering a state are considered fatal and hence the recovery is
// short-circuited and returns an error. There might be orphaned
// executors that need to be manually cleaned up. If 'strict' flag is
// not set, any errors encountered are considered non-fatal and the
// recovery continues by recovering as much of the state as possible,
// while increasing the 'errors' count. Note that 'errors' on a struct
// includes the 'errors' encountered recursively. In other words,
// 'State.errors' is the sum total of all recovery errors. If the
// machine has rebooted since the last slave run, None is returned.
Result<State> recover(const std::string& rootDir, bool strict);

调用 Slave::recover

该方法实现在 src/slave/slave.cpp 中,首先做一些对 State 的检查, 然后逐个恢复 SlaveInfo,Framwork,Fetcher 和 StatusUpdateManager:

Future<Nothing> Slave::recover(const Result<state::State>& state)
    info = slaveState.get().info.get(); // Recover the slave info.
    Try<Nothing> recovered = Fetcher::recover(slaveState.get().id, flags);
    // Recover the frameworks.
    foreachvalue (const FrameworkState& frameworkState,
                  slaveState.get().frameworks) {
  return statusUpdateManager->recover(metaDir, slaveState)
    .then(defer(self(), &Slave::_recoverContainerizer, slaveState));

Recover SlaveInfo

SlaveInfo 存在 Slave 类的 info 属性中,这里就简单地做一下赋值。

SlaveInfo info;

Recover Fetcher

Fetcher 的 recover 比较简单,就是把 fetcher cache 清理掉。 代码在 src/slave/containerizer/fetcher.cpp

Recover Frameworks

Slave 类中有一个字段 frameworks,是一个 hashmap,保持在这个 slave 上有 executor 的所有的 Framework。定义是:

hashmap<FrameworkID, Framework*> frameworks;

Framework recover 实现在 Slave::recoverFramework 中,主要逻辑是:

  1. 如果从 checkpoint 拿到的 state 中 executor 的数量为空,也就是之前没有 task 运行,那么就把 Framework 的 work dir 和 meta dir 做一次垃圾回收,然后返回。
  2. 根据 state 重新创建一个 Framework 实例,然后放在 Slave 的 frameworks 属性中。
  3. 如果 state 中 executors 不为空,则调用 framework->recoverExecutor 方法恢复 executor。
  4. 最后检查一下 framework 中恢复出来的 executors ,如果数量为空,那么就把这个 framework 移除。
void Slave::recoverFramework(const FrameworkState& state)
  LOG(INFO) << "Recovering framework " << state.id;

  if (state.executors.empty()) {
    // GC the framework work directory.
        paths::getFrameworkPath(flags.work_dir, info.id(), state.id));

    // GC the framework meta directory.
        paths::getFrameworkPath(metaDir, info.id(), state.id));


  Framework* framework = new Framework(
      this, flags, frameworkInfo, pid);

  frameworks[framework->id()] = framework;

  // Now recover the executors for this framework.
  foreachvalue (const ExecutorState& executorState, state.executors) {

  // Remove the framework in case we didn't recover any executors.
  if (framework->executors.empty()) {

这里 Framework 是一个 struct ,同样实现在 src/slave/slave.cpp 中。

Framework::recoverExecutor 的主要逻辑是:

  1. 一个 executor 可能 run 了很多次,而我们只需要恢复最近的一次,所以会先做一次 GC,清理除了最近一次 run 的 executor work dir 和 executor meta dir
  2. 根据 executorState 的 latest run,创建一个 Executor struct,状态为默认的 REGISTERING, 然后恢复 executor process 的 PID。 Executor struct 也同样实现在 src/slave/slave.cpp 中。
  3. 调用 executor->recoverTask 对 executor 的每一个 task 进行恢复
  4. 把这个 executor 放在 Framework 的 executors 属性里面, 这是一个 hasmap:hashmap<ExecutorID, Executor*> executors,表示正在 running 的所有 executor
  5. 如果发现这个 executor 现在已经 completed,则把它的状态置为 Executor::TERMINATED,然后做垃圾回收
void Framework::recoverExecutor(const ExecutorState& state)
  // We are only interested in the latest run of the executor!
  // So, we GC all the old runs.
  // NOTE: We don't schedule the top level executor work and meta
  // directories for GC here, because they will be scheduled when
  // the latest executor run terminates.
  const ContainerID& latest = state.latest.get();
  foreachvalue (const RunState& run, state.runs) {
    const ContainerID& runId = run.id.get();
    if (latest != runId) {
      // GC the executor run's work directory.
          slave->flags.work_dir, slave->info.id(), id(), state.id, runId));

      // GC the executor run's meta directory.
          slave->metaDir, slave->info.id(), id(), state.id, runId));
  Option<RunState> run = state.runs.get(latest);
  Executor* executor = new Executor(
  executor->pid = run.get().libprocessPid.get();
  // And finally recover all the executor's tasks.
  foreachvalue (const TaskState& taskState, run.get().tasks) {
  // Add the executor to the framework.
  executors[executor->id] = executor;
  // If the latest run of the executor was completed (i.e., terminated
  // and all updates are acknowledged) in the previous run, we
  // transition its state to 'TERMINATED' and gc the directories.
  if (run.get().completed) {
	// Move the executor to 'completedExecutors'.

Executor struct 里面通过4个数据结构管理它的 task,一个 task 会存放在4个数据结构中的某一个:

  // Tasks can be found in one of the following four data structures:

  // Not yet launched tasks. This also includes tasks from `queuedTaskGroups`.
  LinkedHashMap<TaskID, TaskInfo> queuedTasks;

  // Not yet launched task groups. This is needed for correctly sending
  // TASK_KILLED status updates for all tasks in the group if any of the
  // tasks were killed before the executor could register with the agent.
  // TODO(anand): Replace this with `LinkedHashSet` when it is available.
  std::list<TaskGroupInfo> queuedTaskGroups;

  // Running.
  LinkedHashMap<TaskID, Task*> launchedTasks;

  // Terminated but pending updates.
  LinkedHashMap<TaskID, Task*> terminatedTasks;

另外还有一个环形 buffer 存放已经 completed 的 task:

  // Terminated and updates acked.
  // NOTE: We use a shared pointer for Task because clang doesn't like
  // Boost's implementation of circular_buffer with Task (Boost
  // attempts to do some memset's which are unsafe).
  boost::circular_buffer<std::shared_ptr<Task>> completedTasks;

Executor::recoverTask 的主要逻辑是:

  1. 根据 taskState 创新创建出一个 Task,加到 launchedTasks 里面。 这是 Executor struct 的一个属性,是一个 hasmap:LinkedHashMap<TaskID, Task*> launchedTasks, 表示所有 running 的 Task。
  2. 恢复 resources 统计
  3. 调用 Executor::updateTaskState 更新 task 状态,事实上就是更新那4个存放 task 的数据结构。
  4. 当一个 task 已经 terminal 并 terminal 的状态更新已经被 acknowledged,那就把它从 terminatedTasks 中移除并且加入到 completedTasks 中。

Recover StatusUpdateManager

这是 Slave::recover 的最后一步,代码是:

Future<Nothing> Slave::recover(const Result<state::State>& state)
  return statusUpdateManager->recover(metaDir, slaveState)
    .then(defer(self(), &Slave::_recoverContainerizer, slaveState));

就是先调用 StatusUpdateManager::recover 方法,成功后调用 Slave::_recoverContainerizer


StatusUpdateManagerProcess 维护了一个叫 streams 的 hashmap :

  hashmap<FrameworkID, hashmap<TaskID, StatusUpdateStream*>> streams;

这个 map 为每个 Framework 的每一个 Task 存了一个 StatusUpdateStream*。 该结构负责处理 task 状态的更新和确认。大概就是里面维护了一个 pending 的队列,每隔一段时间会从队列中 取出一个 Update 来去 forward ,也就是调用从 slave 传进来的 forward 回调函数,最终会发给 master。

StatusUpdateManager::recover 方法实现在 src/slave/src/slave/status_update_manager.cpp 中。 主要逻辑就是对 slave 上每个 framework 的每个 latest executor 的每个 task, 生成一个 StatusUpdateStream,然后去 replay,也就是向 master 去汇报。

Future<Nothing> StatusUpdateManager::recover(
    const string& rootDir,
    const Option<SlaveState>& state)
  return dispatch(
      process, &StatusUpdateManagerProcess::recover, rootDir, state);
Future<Nothing> StatusUpdateManagerProcess::recover(
    const string& rootDir,
    const Option<SlaveState>& state)
  foreachvalue (const FrameworkState& framework, state.get().frameworks) {
    foreachvalue (const ExecutorState& executor, framework.executors) {
	const ContainerID& latest = executor.latest.get();
    Option<RunState> run = executor.runs.get(latest);
	foreachvalue (const TaskState& task, run.get().tasks) {
	  // Create a new status update stream.
      StatusUpdateStream* stream = createStatusUpdateStream(
            task.id, framework.id, state.get().id, true, executor.id, latest);
	  // Replay the stream.
      Try<Nothing> replay = stream->replay(task.updates, task.acks);
	  if (stream->terminated) {
        cleanupStatusUpdateStream(task.id, framework.id);

调用 Slave::_recover

Slave::_recover 方法负责 Containerizer 的恢复。主要逻辑如下:

  1. 针对 Slave 中记录的所有 framework 的所有 executor:
    1. 设置一个回调函数 Slave::executorTerminated,该回调函数在 executor 终结时被调用。
    2. 如果 slave 启动时指定了 --rocover=reconnect,就找到 executor process 的 PID,然后创建出一个 ReconnectExecutorMessage 消息,发送给 executor process 。
    3. 如果 slave 启动时参数 --recover 的值不是 reconnect,就调用 _shutdownExecutor 把这个 executor 关闭
  2. 在等待一段时间后,调用 Slave::reregisterExecutorTimeout 清理所有没有重新注册的 executor 。
Future<Nothing> Slave::_recover()
  // Alow HTTP based executors to subscribe after the
  // containerizer recovery is complete.
  recoveryInfo.reconnect = true;

  foreachvalue (Framework* framework, frameworks) {
    foreachvalue (Executor* executor, framework->executors) {
      // Set up callback for executor termination.

      if (flags.recover == "reconnect") {
		ReconnectExecutorMessage message;
        send(executor->pid.get(), message);
	  } else {
		_shutdownExecutor(framework, executor);

    if (!frameworks.empty() && flags.recover == "reconnect") {
    // Cleanup unregistered executors after a delay.

    // We set 'recovered' flag inside reregisterExecutorTimeout(),
    // so that when the slave re-registers with master it can
    // correctly inform the master about the launched tasks.
    return recoveryInfo.recovered.future();

  return Nothing();

设置回调函数,当 executor 终结时调用

containerizer->wait 定义在 src/slave/containerizer/containerizer.hpp,它会等待 executor 终结, 然后做一些容器上下文的清理(destroy the containerized context)。

  // Wait on the 'ContainerTermination'. If the executor terminates,
  // the containerizer should also destroy the containerized context.
  // Returns None if the container cannot be found.
  // The future may be failed if an error occurs during termination of
  // the executor or destruction of the container.
  virtual process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> wait(
      const ContainerID& containerId) = 0;

这里传进去的回调函数是 Self::executorTerminated ,它的主要逻辑是:

  1. 做一些 termination 的检查。
  2. 通过 sendExecutorTerminatedStatusUpdate 方法把 executor 中所有未完成的 task 的状态设置为 TASK_FAILED 或者 TASK_GONE
  3. 如果这是一个 Command Executor,则向 master 发送一个 ExitedExecutorMessage 消息。
  4. 如果 slave 或者 framework 的状态是 TERMINATING,即正在终结,就调用 removeExecutor 把 executor 删掉。
  5. 如果这个 executor 的 framework 已经没有其他 pending 的 executor 和 task 了,就调用 removeFramework 把这个 framework 删除。
// Called by the isolator when an executor process terminates.
void Slave::executorTerminated(
    const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
    const ExecutorID& executorId,
    const Future<Option<ContainerTermination>>& termination)
  Framework* framework = getFramework(frameworkId);
  Executor* executor = framework->getExecutor(executorId);
  if (framework->state != Framework::TERMINATING) {
    // Transition all live launched tasks.
    foreach (Task* task, executor->launchedTasks.values()) {
      if (!protobuf::isTerminalState(task->state())) {
            task->task_id(), termination, frameworkId, executor);

    // Transition all queued tasks.
    foreach (const TaskInfo& task, executor->queuedTasks.values()) {
          task.task_id(), termination, frameworkId, executor);
  // Only send ExitedExecutorMessage if it is not a Command
  // Executor because the master doesn't store them; they are
  // generated by the slave.
  // TODO(vinod): Reliably forward this message to the master.
  if (!executor->isCommandExecutor()) {
    ExitedExecutorMessage message;

    if (master.isSome()) { send(master.get(), message); }
  // Remove the executor if either the slave or framework is
  // terminating or there are no incomplete tasks.
  if (state == TERMINATING ||
      framework->state == Framework::TERMINATING ||
      !executor->incompleteTasks()) {
    removeExecutor(framework, executor);

  // Remove this framework if it has no pending executors and tasks.
  if (framework->executors.empty() && framework->pending.empty()) {

其中,sendExecutorTerminatedStatusUpdate 负责发送 executor 已经终结的消息。 该方法会判断 executor 的终结状态,然后创建出一个 StatusUpdate 消息,并最终发送给 master 。

void Slave::sendExecutorTerminatedStatusUpdate(
    const TaskID& taskId,
    const Future<Option<ContainerTermination>>& termination,
    const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
    const Executor* executor)

其中,protobuf::createStatusUpdate 创建一个 StatusUpdate 消息,该消息描述一个 task 的状态, 定义在 src/messages/messages.proto 中。

拿到消息后,调用 Slave::statusUpdate 方法把消息发送出去,最终会发给 master 。 具体的发送机制参考 Mesos 源码学习(6) Master 和 Slave 之间的消息

removeExecutor 负责把一个 Executor 从 Slave 中移除。主要逻辑就是做一些检查,进行垃圾回收, 做 checkpoint ,最后把 executor 的数据结构从 Slave 中去除。

removeFramework 负责把一个 Framework 从 Slave 中移除。主要逻辑类似:做一些检查,进行垃圾回收, 处理 framework 的数据结构。

recover 为 reconnect 时,重新和 Executor 联系上

在 recovery 的这一步,需要和 executor 再次联系上,于是会向 Executor 发送 ReconnectExecutorMessage 消息。

recover 不为 reconnect 时,关闭 Executor

这是调用 _shutdownExecutor 把这个 executor 关闭。它做的事情就是向 Executor 发送一个 ShutdownExecutorMessage 消息,然后等待一个 executor_shutdown_grace_period 时间,如果 executor 还活着的话就把它 destroy 掉,最终执行 destroy 的是 Containerizer->destroy 方法,它会 kill 掉这个 容器所有的进程,释放所有的资源。

清理没有及时重新注册的 Executor

这里会先等待一段时间 EXECUTOR_REREGISTER_TIMEOUT ,这个时间写死为2s,然后调用 Slave::reregisterExecutorTimeout 清理所有没有重新注册的 executor 。

在之前的 recover 过程中,所有 executor 的状态都是默认的 REGISTERING,所以这里会遍历所有的 Executor ,如果他们的状态仍然还是 REGISTERING,那就说明他们没有及时注册。 对于这些 Executor,会有如下操作:

  1. 调用 Containerizer->destroy 方法把它终结掉。
  2. executor 状态置为 Executor::TERMINATING,创建一个 ContainerTermination 结构, 设置给 executor->pendingTermination

最后,会发一个消息,说 recovery 过程完成了:

  // Signal the end of recovery.

调用 Slave::__recover

当 recover 完成时,会调用 Slave::__recover 方法,主要逻辑是:

  1. 找到之前的 slave 进程的目录,做垃圾回收;
  2. 如果启动参数 --recover=cleanup,则调用 libprocess 的 terminate 方法终结 slave process ;
  3. 如果启动参数 --recover=reconnect,则:
    1. 调用 detector->detect() 找到 leader master,找到后调用 Slave::detected,具体参考 Mesos 源码学习(6) Master 和 Slave 之间的消息
    2. 调用 forwardOversubscribed() 转发超发的资源,超发的资源从 ResourceEstimator 获取,经过一些 计算后生成一个 UpdateSlaveMessage 消息发送给 master。
    3. 调用 Slave::qosCorrections() 来启动 QoS Controller。该方法会自己调用自己实现不断地做检查, 它会调用 qosController->corrections() 的到一个 Correction 的列表,每个 Correction 表示对 某个 Executor 所采取的动作,杀还是不杀,如果决定要杀, slave 就会把它杀掉。
void Slave::__recover(const Future<Nothing>& future)
  // Schedule all old slave directories for garbage collection.
  const string directory = path::join(flags.work_dir, "slaves");
  Try<list<string>> entries = os::ls(directory);
  if (entries.isSome()) {
    foreach (const string& entry, entries.get()) {
      string path = path::join(directory, entry);
      // Ignore non-directory entries.
      if (!os::stat::isdir(path)) {

      // We garbage collect a directory if either the slave has not
      // recovered its id (hence going to get a new id when it
      // registers with the master) or if it is an old work directory.
      SlaveID slaveId;
      if (!info.has_id() || !(slaveId == info.id())) {
        // GC the slave work directory.
        os::utime(path); // Update the modification time.

        // GC the slave meta directory.
        path = paths::getSlavePath(metaDir, slaveId);
        if (os::exists(path)) {
          os::utime(path); // Update the modification time.
    if (flags.recover == "reconnect") {
    state = DISCONNECTED;

    // Start detecting masters.
    detection = detector->detect()
      .onAny(defer(self(), &Slave::detected, lambda::_1));

    // Forward oversubscribed resources.

    // Start acting on correction from QoS Controller.
  } else {
    // Slave started in cleanup mode.
    CHECK_EQ("cleanup", flags.recover);
    state = TERMINATING;

    if (frameworks.empty()) {

    // If there are active executors/frameworks, the slave will
    // shutdown when all the executors are terminated. Note that
    // the executors are guaranteed to terminate because they
    // are sent shutdown signal in '_recover()' which results in
    // 'Containerizer::destroy()' being called if the termination
    // doesn't happen within a timeout.

  recoveryInfo.recovered.set(Nothing()); // Signal recovery.

Slave Recovery 结束

到此,Slave Recovery 的过程结束。 正常的逻辑下(--recover=reconnect),Slave 开始和 Master 进行通信。